


2545 N Opdyke Rd
Suite 101
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

IRS and States accepting e-Files

This is the first day the IRS will begin processing 1040 tax returns for individuals for 2016.  (Please Note:  Any refunds with the Earned Income Credit, Child Tax Credit, and the American Opportunity Credit will not be released until February 15th making the expected delivery date February 28th.)

W-2’s, W-3’s, 1099-MISC Due

This is the first year W-2's (and W-3's) and 1099's (and 1096's) are due to the IRS on the same date they are to be delivered to employees and contractors.

2016 income taxes due

Individual income tax returns (1040) for 2016 must be filed with the IRS on or before April 18, 2016. Drop off or make your appointment for tax preparation early.